A Salute to Our Heroes
March 31, 2022 | 5:00 – 8:00pm
Awards Ceremony 5pm, County Board Room
Dinner Reception 6pm, Hanover Tavern
This signature event is a recognition and appreciation of our Hanover County Sheriff's Office. The deputies dedicated to keeping our county businesses and residents are more than deserving of our thanks. Please join us for the Sheriff’s 20th Annual Awards Ceremony, followed by a dinner reception open to all deputies, their families and our chamber community. Proceeds from this event benefit the Sheriff's Foundation and allow deputies/families to attend the dinner at no cost, in gratitude to our sponsors and citizen tickets.
Citizen Tickets for the Reception: $40 per person
Sponsorships Available: $500, $1,000
To purchase Citizen Tickets for the reception or to sponsor, click the REGISTER tab.
For a downloadable sponsorship form click here.
Thank you to our 2022 sponsors!
Platinum Sponsors
Accent Professional Recruiting LLC
Atlantic Union Bank
David W. Fuller
Fire Solutions
Flippo Lumber Corporation
Hopkins Properties
Jean & A.D. Whittaker
John & Dottie Cox Family Fund
Julie Whitaker Insurance Agency Inc.
Kenny Janes UBS Financial
Mr. and Mrs. Jack B. Fergerson
Gold Sponsors
BG of Central Virginia
Bishop Welsh Management - Anne and Tim Bishop and Doug and Whitney Welsh
Boschen Masonry, Inc.
Buddy and Patsy Fowler
Cavalier Rifle and Pistol Club
CodeBlue Technology
Covenant Home Care
Cox Transportation Services, LLC
Cross Family Properties, LC
Delegate John J. McGuire, 56th District
Delegate Scott Wyatt
Eddie Davenport Construction
Evans Group
Frank and Carol Bradley
Friends of David R. Hines, Sheriff
Friends of Trip Chalkley
FutureLaw II, LLC and Tompkins Jewelers
Hanover Tavern
Hazzard Investments LLC
Hill Electrical, Inc.
Homemades By Suzanne
Hunter and Debbie Freed
James and Elizabeth Kickler
James River Nurseries
Jeff Stoneman, PawsCienda Pet Resort
Keith and Susan Roberston & William and Pam Washington
Kings Dominion
Mark Melton and Emma Lee Mitchell
Professional Contractors / Larry Leadbetter, Wayne Hazzard
Rappahannock Electric Cooperative
Richmond Oxygen Company
Rob Monolo, J.R. Monolo Trucking
Robert N. Barnette Jr.
Ryan & Mallory Hudson
Senator Ryan McDougle
Senator Siobhan Dunnavant
Signal Hill Memorial Park
Stone's Office Equipment
The McShin Foundation
William and Pamela Hutton
Woody Funeral Home-Atlee Chapel & Nelsen Funeral Home-Ashland Chapel

'A Salute to Heroes' is co-hosted by Col. David Hines, Sheriff, and the Hanover Chamber Foundation. This community event is open to the public. A Special Thank You to Emma Lee Mitchell and David Fuller, Event Co-Chairs. Col. David Hines & his staff, and our Sponsors for making this Annual event a success!